Baylands Nature Preserve, Palo Alto, California, Mar 2022

Palo Alto Baylands is my most favorite birding and photography spot, esp. as it is just 10 minutes drive from where I live. So naturally when I got my new Canon R5, I headed out there first. Anna’s Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) are extremely common in this area. And they turned out to be a perfect subject for the R5’s eye-tracking auto-focus. So when this male Anna’s was feeding on flowers this fine spring morning, I decided to put the R5 to test. And I wasn’t disappointed. I wonder if the hummingbird’s large eye relative to it’s body size helped the auto-focus even more. The flowers here I believe are called Pride Of Madeira (Echium candicans). As a bonus, I got some pretty sharp pics of other birds too including a Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos). Remember to use Servo with your auto-focus setting and it will continue to track the eye. I definitely have a lot more “keepers” since I upgraded to the R5.

Camera: Canon EOS R5

Lens: Canon EOS RF 100-500mm

eBird Checklist
